Planned Giving & Legacy Donations
Because of the altruism of kind, generous, and community-oriented animal lovers like you, Concern for Animals has stood as a pillar of strength for struggling people and pets for over four decades. Your legacy and personal story will continue that life-saving work, directly impacting the health and longevity of the human-animal bond for thousands of people and pets in our shared community. What we do would truly be impossible without your investments.

Leave a Legacy
By designating Concern for Animals as a beneficiary in your estate plan, you’ll leave a meaningful legacy of care and compassion for animals for generations to come.
Please get in touch with our team at We would love to hear from you and are happy to help!

Gifts in a Will
Share your legacy with us. If you’ve already included us in your estate plans, thank you! Please let us know – it helps us plan for the future and allows us to share our gratitude with you for your transformative gift.
Working on your estate plan? We are always happy to work with you and your advisor on shaping a gift that honors your philanthropic goals!
Donor Advised Funds
A donor advised fund (DAF) is a type of giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support your favorite charities.
To make your gift today, click on the DAF direct image to get started!
When you make a Donor-Advised Fund gift, it’s possible that the sponsoring organization will not share your information with us. Please email when you’ve made a gift so we can make sure to thank you and ensure that your gift gets to where it is intended.